Telcos Should Be Worried - Facebook Controls More OTT Messaging With WhatsApp Acquisition
R.I.P. Simon Gwatkin

What Devices And Software Support The Opus Audio Codec? Here Is A List

Opus codec logoWhat devices support the Opus audio codec? What softphones? hardphones? call servers? Obviously given that Opus is the "mandatory to implement" audio codec for WebRTC, it will be in many web browsers... but what other I was asked this question by a colleague recently and when I couldn't easily find a list on the Opus codec web site, I turned to the VUC community inside of Google+ and posted there. The great folks there naturally were a huge help, and quickly came up with this list:

UPDATE: No sooner had I hit "Publish" then I discovered that Wikipedia has a list of devices and software supporting the Opus codec. As that list is much longer than this one below, I'd encourage you to look at that list.

What other devices or software supports the Opus codec? (Or what other lists are out there listing devices supporting the Opus codec?) Please do let me know either by comments here or on social media.


P.S. If you don't understand WHY the Opus codec matters so much, please read my earlier post on this topic.

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