Attaining BLISS... (at least in the world of SIP)... a.k.a. why can't we all just get along?
Skype begins private beta of Enterprise Edition, rolls out new versions for Mac (including Call Transfer), Windows beta...

MAKE: Turning an antique phone into a USB headset (and therefore Skype phone)

Through a link from Phil Wolff, I learned that Bruce Stewart has posted at the Emerging Telephony blog about someone turning an antique phone into a Skype phone (which actually points to a post on the MAKE Blog).  Okay, so as best I can tell, it's really a glorified USB headset, but I admit that the geek side of me finds it rather a fun idea.  Bruce links to a page on the Instructables site that has more pictures and instructions. 

(I'd note that while the articles say that it is an "antique Skype phone", it really looks to me like it's a USB headset, so it could really work with any VoIP program.)

Fun stuff...

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