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Skype just crossed over 27 million simultaneous users online!

Right now I looked at the bottom of my Skype window and saw that the count read 27,257,659 users online:


Not bad considering that the company just crossed over 25,000,000 back in late November and then had the massive outage at the end of December! In fact, I don't remember seeing Skype cross over the 26 million mark...

Congrats to Skype for hitting this milestone!

UPDATE: After Hudson Barton mentioned that the previous high number for online users was under 26 million, Neil Lindsey pointed me to the online chart of Skype users over the past 7 days, which shows that the count flirted with 26 million but did not cross it yesterday:


The 40-hour chart shows the climb in greater detail:


So Skype crossed over the 26 million mark AND the 27 million mark today! Not a bad day for Skype!

P.S. And yes, since Skype is the only source for these numbers, they could be completely making them up. However, I know (and trust) enough folks there to assume the numbers are accurate.

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