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Skype Releases Hotfix for Skype 5.0 for Mac OSX

SkypelogoSkype this week released a "Hotfix" for the Skype 5.0 for Mac OSX. Surprisingly the upgrade/update process is not automated... I chose "Check for Updates..." in the Skype menu of my 5.0 client and it told me I was up-to-date. However, when I clicked on the download link in that Skype blog post, I downloaded the new version and was able to drag it to my Applications folder to do the update.

From a user point-of-view, there don't seem to be any new features in this release. It really is just a "hotfix" for a number of bugs, including the issue with Skype not letting other applications use the video camera that I affected some folks I know.

Anyway... Mac users who have gone ahead and moved to 5.0 may want to upgrade now (I have on one system and am still on 2.8 on another). The Skype blog post has a few more details on what was fixed.

P.S. If you haven't been paying attention to what's new with Skype 5.0 for the Mac, you may want to read about the "Gold" release, the launch of the beta of 5.0 for the Mac or my other Skype-related posts

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