Is voicemail dead? Our Squawk Box discussion...
Congrats to my Canadian friends on Rogers dropping iPhone and RIM charges...

Preview of today's Squawk Box (July 8) - WiFi in cars, answering phones with fingers in your ear...

Is the fact that Chrysler is turning some of their 2009 cars into WiFi hotspots a good thing? And would you really want to answer a phone call by sticking your finger in your ear?

Those are some of the topics we're going to be discussing on today's Squawk Box conference call/podcast at 11am US Eastern time. You can see the links to the articles and join the conversation through either:

Here's my video preview of the show:

I realized today that I haven't really been posting these previews here, but should... so I'll be doing more of that. I look forward to our 11am US Eastern conversation...

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