Jeff Pulver on the status of VoIP-related legislation in the USA...
Did you know RFC 4733 had replaced/obsoleted RFC 2833 for DTMF signaling in SIP?

Want to see the people I work with? - Voxeo's office and people... as seen via Flickr

Originally uploaded by voxeophoto
As most of you know by now I'm now employed by Voxeo and the folks down in the Orlando office recently started using some camera's to upload pictures to company Flickr stream. We did this largely because we're hiring (more job openings to be posted soon) and we want potential candidates to see what a fun place it is to work... but it will also factor into some of the other blogging and other work we'll be doing.

Anyway, you can check it out. No photos of me there, yet, since I wasn't around when the camera's were being passed around. (I'll upload a picture of me to the site, though, soon.)
