ARIN provides the latest word that we need to move to IPv6... will anyone heed the warning? (Does anyone care?)
It's the circumstances beyond one's control that are most annoying... I'm now NOT traveling to VON Europe - Stockholm/Podcamp Europe

Digium/AsteriskWorld to be co-resident with VON Fall 2007 in Boston

imageIn my queue of things to write about, I'd be meaning to comment on the fact that this year's Fall VON on October 29 - November 1 in Boston will also be the site of Digium / Asterisk World.   Jeff Pulver's team announced this back in March and it will have Mark Spencer and others from Digium involved.  I wasn't particularly surprised to hear this, given that Jeff Pulver has always had an interest in open source and that Digium has always had a large presence at VON exhibit halls.  (You would have to be blind to miss the giant orange booth with its many pods!)  Kudos to Digium and Pulvermedia for organizing a way to spotlight all the great stuff happening in open source telephony.  I'll look forward to seeing what goes on there.
