Getting ready for VoIP "botnets" that attack SIP systems...
May 07, 2007
Over on the Voice of VOIPSA weblog, I just posted "Ready or not... here come the IRC-controlled SIP/VoIP attack bots!" Given the sheer number of VoIP security tools out there, I think I and most others involved with VOIPSA figured it was only a matter of time before someone automated the attacks. Did I hope that the creation of "bots" could have held off for a bit longer? Definitely... but we have to play with the cards we are dealt.
I tried in the article not to hype the threat... that we are aware of, there are not massive botnets out there waiting to attack VoIP systems. But there is now a proof-of-concept "bot" out there and those of us dealing with VoIP security have to look at how that could impact us.
And it's definitely a sign that we as an industry really have to get security locked down on SIP systems!
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