My article "Using IP Communications as a Tool for Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity" is now online
Rich Tehrani on DiamondWare, "3-D audio conferencing" and how the sound of telephony is changing

Mitel connects directly to Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 via SIP

In my incredibly long queue of things I've wanted to write about for the past few weeks, one item was the Mitel news release about making a direct SIP connection to Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Unified Messaging. The cool part is that you can just use our basic 3300 ICP communications platform (or IP-PBX, or whatever you want to call it) and connect it directly into a Microsoft Exchange Server to use the Exchange Server for a unified inbox (email, voicemail, fax, etc.).  No other boxes or gateways necessary.  Just a nice, standard SIP trunk.  As a long-time proponent of open standards and general "standards geek", it really can't get much better.  It's great to see.

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