Aswath Rao Says I'm Wrong About VoIP In India
December 27, 2014
India has NOT been a very friendly place for VoIP historically, and so we'll have to see what happens here...
In a series of tweets Aswath pointed out that the TRAI has in fact been very supportive of IP-to-IP VoIP services and has left them unregulated. The regulation has all been around VoIP services interconnecting to the Indian PSTN. Aswath's tweets:
You are mistaken when you say "India has NOT been a very friendly place for VoIP historically". And I have pted it out many times.
From the get go, TRAI has regulated only IP to Indian PSTN. IP/IP & IP to foreign PSTN have been unregulated
My point is that TRAI has been very enlightened in its ruling. Even after 11/26 attack & pressure it has not reg IP/IP
Given that Aswath has been very involved in VoIP in India for many years, I'll defer to his opinion on this one.
Thanks, Aswath, for challenging me on this sentence.
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