Skype and SIP interop - the two sides of the issue raised by Michael Robertson
Verizon allows month-to-month contracts... and the connection of any CDMA device

Google's Android and the future of the (open?) mobile Internet

In just a few minutes, at 10:30am US Eastern time, Google and T-Mobile will be in New York City to announce the launch of the first Android handset.

Predictably, the blogosphere is buzzing with posts and articles.

I expect, quite honestly, to be a bit underwhelmed by the initial launch... after all, Android is still evolving. We'll see - the fact that stories are out that Amazon is launching a DRM-free music service along with the Android phone is certainly an interesting dynamic.

Today's launch aside, the launch of Android is really the next step in the ongoing discussion about what the future of the mobile Internet looks like. Will it be controlled by only the carriers? Or will we as consumers have the freedom and choice to use the apps we want? Android holds out that potential - if the carriers let it be used that way. This morning I recorded a short video on the subject:

If you would like, please do join us on today's Squawk Box at 11am US Eastern time to discuss what all this means. Undoubtedly I'll be writing more on this here as will others across the VoIP blogosphere in the weeks and months ahead. We are definitely living in VERY interesting times!

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